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Specialization Program

Given the increasing international mobility of talents and to make the degree-granting system more flexible and diverse, our university, based on the concept of the "Future University," promotes the pursuit of the field of expertise module courses, allowing students to be awarded degrees based on their academic field and courses are taken.


Specialization Program allows students to creatively arrange and combine courses within the existing admission channels without breaking the framework of existing departments, thereby creating new knowledge and making our talent cultivation model more flexible and diverse. Students are not limited to studying within a specific department. Still, they can apply to pursue a bachelor's degree in a college or apply for a bachelor's degree based on their own interests and field of expertise, thus achieving the potential of limited entry but unlimited exit.


To align with the university's policy of promoting the Specialization Program module courses, this school currently offers 10 Specialization Program modules, including "Forest Biology", "Forest Therapy", "Climate Change in Forest Environment: Forest Materials and Energy Cycles", "Household Applications of Biomaterials", "Bio-based Composite Materials", "Furniture Industry", "Protected Area Governance and Management", "Environmental Education", "Strategy and Management on Net Zero Carbon Emission Agriculture" and "Forest Carbon Sink." The course details for each module are as follows:


Forest Biology

(1) Number of Courses/Total Credits: 5 courses/15 credits

(2) Course content:

Level1 Courses: Introduction to Forest Ecology and Silviculture (3 Credits)

Leve2 Courses: Introductory Biodiversity (3 Credits)

Leve3 Courses: Dendrology and Practice (3 Credits)

Leve4 Courses: Silviculture (3 Credits), Forest Ecology(3 Credits)


Forest Therapy

(1) Number of Courses/Total Credits: 4 courses/12 credits

(2) Course content:

Leve 1 Courses: Introduction to Forest Therapy (3 Credits)

Leve2 Courses: Forest Therapy Research (3 Credits)

Leve3 Courses: Mind-Body Axial Awareness and Mindfulness: Practice and Literature Review (3 Credits)

Leve4 Courses: Forest Therapy and Practice (3 Credits)


Climate Change in Forest Environment: Forest Materials and Energy Cycles

(1) Number of Courses/Total Credits: 5 courses/12 credits

(2) Course content:

Level1 Courses: Forest Soil (2 Credits), Forest Soil Laboratory (1 Credits)

Leve2 Courses: Forest Ecohydrology (3 Credits)

Leve3 Courses: Monitoring Forest Environment (3 Credits) (Substitute Course: Forest Climate & Practice)

Leve4 Courses:  Introduction to Terrestrial Biogeochemistry (3 Credits)


Household Applications of Biomaterials

(1) Number of Courses/Total Credits: 5 courses/13 credits

(2) Course content:

Level1 Courses: Wood Chemistry and Lab. (3 Credits)

Leve2 Courses: Pulp Manufacturing (2 Credits), Papermaking (3 Credits)

Leve3 Courses: Wood Extractives (2 Credits)

Leve4 Courses: Applied Life Science of Biomaterials (3 Credits)


Bio-based Composite Materials

(1) Number of Courses/Total Credits: 5 courses/15 credits

(2) Course content:

Level1 Courses: Forest Products (3 Credits)

Leve2 Courses: Wood Anatony and Lab. (3 Credits), Wood Physics and Lab. (3 Credits)

Leve3 Courses: Wood Adhesives and Composites (3 Credits)

Leve4 Courses: Biocomposite Material Science (3 Credits)


Furniture Industry

(1) Number of Courses/Total Credits: 5 courses/13 credits

(2) Course content:

Level1 Courses: Forest Products (3 Credits)

Leve2 Courses: Introduction on Wooden Furniture Industries (2 Credits), Wood Coatings and Coating Technology (2 Credits)

Leve3 Courses: Wooden Furniture Engineering (3 Credits)

Leve4 Courses: Wood Working Machinery and Practice (3 Credits)


Protected Area Governance and Management

(1) Number of Courses/Total Credits: 5 courses/15 credits

(2) Course content:

Level1 Courses:  Introductory Biodiversity (3 Credits), Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Management (3 Credits), Sustainable Agriculture Tourism (3 Credits)

Leve2 Courses: Management of Natural Protected Areas (3 Credits), National Park Planning and Manage Men (3 Credits)


Environmental Education

(1) Number of Courses/Total Credits: 5 courses/12 credits

(2) Course content:

Level1 Courses: Environmental Education (2 Credits)

Leve2 Courses: Environmental Ethics (2 Credits)、Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Management (3 Credits)

Leve 3Courses: Pedagogy and Curriculum Design in Environmental Education (3 Credits)

Leve4 Courses: Practicum in Environmental Education (2 Credits)


Strategy and Management on Net Zero Carbon Emission Agriculture

(1) Number of Courses/Total Credits: 5 courses/15 credits

(2) Course content:

Level1 Courses: Introduction to Net Zero Carbon Emission Agriculture (3 Credits)

Leve2 Courses:

Climate Change and Environmental Ecology (3 Credits)

Leve3 Courses: Forest Carbon Sink and Carbon Credit Trading (3 Credits), Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture (3 Credits)

Leve4 Courses: Environmental Assessment (3 Credits)


Forest Carbon Sink

(1) Number of Courses/Total Credits: 4 courses/12 credits

(2) Course content:

Level 1Courses: Soil Organic Matter Management and Carbon Sink (3 Credits)

Leve 2Courses: Forest Carbon Sink and Carbon Credit Trading (3 Credits)

Leve 3Courses: Biomaterial Carbon Sink and Energy (3 Credits)

Leve4 Courses: Practices in Forest Carbon Sink (3 Credits)



Link of the Specialization Program website of this University