Faculty Positions Announcement: “Forest Carbon Sink Survey and Resource Survey and Assessment ” area, "Multipurpose Biomaterial Utilization" area, and “Ecosystem Services Evaluation” area
Faculty Positions Announcement
The School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University, currently has an opening in each of the following areas:
1. Forest Carbon Sink Survey and Resource Survey and Assessment
2. Multipurpose Biomaterial Utilization
3. Ecosystem Services Evaluation
Position Type: Full-time professor, associate professor, or assistant professor to begin on August 1, 2025.
1. A Ph.D. in one of the areas mentioned above or related disciplines is required, preferably with teaching or postdoctoral experiences.
2. Have publications in scientific journals with peer-review processes, including at least one paper as first author or corresponding author published after August 1, 2020, in an indexed SCI (or SSCI, A&HCI) journal.
Applicants are required to prepare the following documents:
1. A cover letter and curriculum vitae specifying the research focus and the rank applied (i.e., professor, associate professor, or assistant professor).
2. Certified copy of Ph.D. degree certificate.
3. Applicants for the assistant professor position must submit official academic transcripts from all graduate schools. If the institution does not require coursework, a statement signed by the advisor should be included.
4. Full electronic texts of publications and a list of publications (please use the format specified by the department's website). These publications must be published after August 1, 2018, in a scientific journal with peer-review. Please designate one publication from the above list as the representative paper. The representative paper must comply with the following criteria:
a. Relevant to the applicant's area of specialization.
b. Published in an SCI (or SSCI, A&HCI) indexed journal.
c. The applicant must be the first author or corresponding author.
d. Published after August 1, 2020, and already assigned volume, issue, and page numbers in print or electronic format.
e. Should there be one or more co-authors with the representative paper, the applicant must submit a consent form signed by co-authors.
5. Applicants for the assistant professor position must also submit an electronic copy of the Ph.D. dissertation.
6. A summary of research accomplishments and future research objectives.
7. A teaching proposal. The teaching proposal should include a minimum of one-course syllabus selected from the following list of courses:
a. Forest Carbon Sink Survey and Resource Survey and Assessment: Forest Mensuration, Introduction to Spatial Information, Forest Carbon Sink Survey and Estimation, Geographic Information System, Application of Artificial Intelligence and Drones in Forestry, Surveying, Spatial Information Analysis, Remote Sensing.
b. Multipurpose Biomaterial Utilization: Forest Products, Introduction to Forest Biomaterials, Wood Chemistry and Laboratory, Advanced Wood Chemistry, Introduction to Chemical Utilization of Forest Resources, Principles of Instrumental Analysis in Forest Chemistry, Natural Product Biosynthesis and Extraction from Forests, Advanced Wood Processing Technology.
c. Ecosystem Services Evaluation: Ecosystem Services Evaluation, Ecological Economics, Nature-based Solutions, Natural Environment and Human Well-being, Forest Carbon Sequestration and Carbon Credit Trading, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
8. Two letters of reference (please have the recommender send the reference letter directly to the email address below).
Please submit all required documents via email to the designated email address by October 31, 2024:
Contact phone: +886-2-33664609, Fax: +886-2-23654520.
As the leading university in Taiwan, the National Taiwan University respects, appreciates, and encourages diversity.
Download related sample documents:
Faculty Positions Announcement
Form of Publications List (英文版僅供參考)
Verification of Co-author’s Contribution to the Applicant’s Representative Publication (英文版僅供參考)
Statement of Representative Publication (英文版僅供參考)
Avoiding Personnels List for Publication Review (英文版僅供參考)
Syllabus Format for Faculty Positions Applicant (英文版僅供參考)