年度 2020
全部作者 林增毅,陳舜英, 劉興旺
作者類別 Corresponding Author
論文名稱 柳杉林鼠害木目測評估標準之探討
期刊名稱 臺大實驗林研究報告
卷數 34
期數 2
頁碼 169-174
期刊等級 Others
總頁數 6
發表日期 2020-07-03
摘要 Since 1980’s, red-bellied tree squirrel has caused tremendous amount of damage to planted Cryptomeria japonica trees at Xitou Nature Education Area. This has attracted significant attention from researchers and managers. More recently, a large number of C. japonica trees suffered from crown dieback. An underlying cause is due to Xitou becoming a major tourist attraction in recent years from increasing number of tourists. In the meantime, tourists have been observed to feed squirrels, which in turns causes their population to increase that leads to greater crown dieback. At present, it is an ongoing effort to quantify the extent of squirrel damage and its degree. This study aimed at developing under canopy visual assessment of squirrel damage criteria and indicators. The intention is to facilitate field assessment for better quantification on current status of squirrel damage. The long-term benefit is adapting pest management strategies to changing scenarios.
語言 中文