Kuo-Fang Chung
Status Adjunct
Name Kuo-Fang Chung
Office Tel No. (02)27872225
Office_Hour By appointment
Job title Professor
Year Paper Title
2015 vol. 227, pp. 83-91, 2015
2015 vol. accepted, 2015
2015 vol. 90, pp. 52-67, 2015
2015 vol. 56, pp. e7-, 2015
2015 vol. 56, pp. e19-14, 2015
2015 vol. 60, 1, pp. 49-53, 2015
2015 vol. 102, 5, pp. 695-706, 2015
2014 Petrocodon (Gesneriaceae) in the Limestone Karsts of Guangxi, China: Three New Species and a New Combination ba<x>sed on Morphological and Molecular Evidence, Systematic Botany, vol. 39, 3, pp. 965-947, Jul. 2014
2014 Two new species of Begonia sect. Coelocentrum, B. guixiensis and B. longa, from Sino-Vietnamese limestone karsts, Botanical Studies, vol. 55, 52, pp. 1-13, Jun. 2014
2014 Phylogenetic analyses of Begonia sect. Coelocentrum and allied limestone species of China shed light on the evolution of Sino-Vietnamese karst flora, vol. 55, 1, pp. 1-, Jan. 2014
2014 Berberis sect. Wallichianae (Berberidaceae) of Taiwan and Luzon—taxonomic revision, phylogenetics, and three new species, Phytotaxa, vol. accepted, 2014
2013 Wallace Line in Flora Malaysiana, Taiwan Natural Science, vol. 32, 4, pp. 80-87, Dec. 2013
2013 Type specimen of Oreomyrrhis borneensis Merr. (Apiaceae) unearthed in Herbarium of National Museum of Philippines (PNH), Phytotaxa, vol. 142, 1, pp. 55-57, Oct. 2013
2013 Primulina cardaminifolia (Gesneriaceae), a rare new species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China, Botanical Studies, vol. 54, pp. 19-, Aug. 2013
2013 vol. 20, 4, pp. 8-12, Aug. 2013
2013 Correction of confusions regarding the identify and synonymy of Youngia (Asteraceae: Tribe Cichorieae) in Taiwan, vol. 38, 2, pp. 507-516, Jun. 2013
2013 Novelties in Begonia sect. Coelocentrum: B. nonggangensis and B. ferox from limestone areas in Guangxi, China., Botanical Studies, vol. 54, pp. 44-, May. 2013
2013 Primulina mabaensis (Gesneriaceae): a new species from a limestone cave in Guangdong, China, Phytotaxa, vol. 92, 2, pp. 40-48, Apr. 2013
2012 Intraspecific karyotypic polymorphism is highly concordant with allozyme variation in Lysimachia mauritiana (Primulaceae: Myrsinoideae) in Taiwan: implications for the colonization history and dispersal patterns of coastal plants , Annals of Botany, vol. 110, 6, pp. 1119-1135, Oct. 2012
2012 Nine new combinations and one new name of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from South China, Phytotaxa, vol. 64, pp. 1-8, Aug. 2012
2012 Oreocharis dayaoshanioides, a rare new species of Gesneriaceae from eastern Guangxi, China, Botanical Studies, vol. 53, 3, pp. 393-399, Aug. 2012
2012 Extreme habitats that emerged in the Pleistocene triggered divergence of weedy Youngia (Asteraceae) in Taiwan, vol. 63, pp. 486-499, Mar. 2012
2012 Two new species, Primulina multifida and P. pseudomollifolia (Gesneriaceae), from karst caves in Guangxi, China, vol. 53, 1, pp. 165-175, Jan. 2012
2011 Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Sassafras randaiense (Lauraceae), American Journal of Botany, vol. 98, 11, pp. e326-e329 , Nov. 2011
2010 vol. 24, 2, pp. 123-136, Dec. 2013
2010 Begonia xbreviscapa (Begoniaceae), a new intersectional natural hybrid from limestone areas in Guangxi, China, vol. 51, 1, pp. 107-117, Jan. 2010
2010 Observations on the floral morphology of Sassafras randaiense (Lauraceae)., Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, vol. 97, 1, pp. 1-10, 2010
2009 Emilia praetermissa Milne-Redh. (Asteraceae)—a misidentified alien species in northern Taiwan, vol. 54, 4, pp. 385-390, Dec. 2009
2009 Investigation of rare and endangered plants in Xitou Tract of National Taiwan Unversity Experimental Forest, J. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ., vol. 23, 4, pp. 309-320, Sep. 2009
2009 Unearthing a forgotten legacy of 20th century floristics: the collection of Taiwanese plant specimens in the herbarium of the Academy of Natural Sciences (PH), vol. 54, 2, pp. 159-167, Aug. 2009
2008 Two new species of Begonia (sect. Coelocentrum, Begoniaceae) from limestone areas in Guangxi, China: B. arachnoidea and B. subcoriacea, vol. 49, pp. 405-418, Apr. 2008
2008 Notes on Acmella (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) in Taiwan, Botanical Studies, vol. 49, pp. 73-82, 2008
2007 Inclusion of the South Pacific alpine genus Oreomyrrhis (Apiaceae) in Chaerophyllum based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences, vol. 32, 3, pp. 671-681, Jul. 2007
2005 Molecular systematics of the trans-Pacific alpine genus Oreomyrrhis (Apiaceae)—phylogenetic affinities and biogeographic implications, American Journal of Botany, vol. 92, pp. 2054-2071, 2005
Year Paper Title
2013 許正德、鍾國芳, Climate change impact assessment on species distribution and genetic diversity of Alpine plants—insights from Oreomyrrhis clade of Chaerophyllum in Taiwan, 9th International Flora Malesiana Symposium, 壁報論文, Aug. 27-31, 2013, Bogor, Indonesia
2013 游旨价、鍾國芳, Out of Asia—Biogeography of insular clades of Berberis s.s., 9th International Flora Malesiana Symposium, Bogor, Indonesia, 受邀演講, Aug. 27-31, 2013
2013 鍾國芳、柯雅青、蔡永信, Flower biology and conservation genetics of Taiwan Sassafras (Lauraceae), 9th International Flora Malesiana Symposium, 受邀演講, Aug. 27-31, 2013, Bogor, Indonesia
2012 鍾國芳、許正德, Past, present and future of alpine flora of Taiwan—insights from integrating phylogeography and species distribution model of Chaerophyllum involucratum (Apiaceae), 2012 International Symposium on Collection and Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources Part 2. Plant Conservation in Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities, 口頭報告, Sep. 26, 2012, Jiji, Nantou
2012 胡正恆、鍾國芳, Genotyping betel nut (Areca catechu) and phylogeography of paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) to approach Austronesian migration and exchange of hobby objects, International Conference on Cross-regional Comparison of Ancient Migration and Exchange Patterns, 口頭報告, Sep. 01-03, 2012, Taipei
2012 Hsiao-Lei Liu, Kuo-Fang Chung, The Origin of Hawaiian Paper Mulberry - phylogeography of Pacific Broussonetia papyrifera, Botany2012, 壁報論文, Jul. 07-11, 2012, Columbus, Ohio
2012 Kuo-Fang Chung, Wai-Chao Leong, Yan Liu, Rosario Rivera Rubite, Rimi Repin, Ching-I Peng, Phylogenetic affinity of the enigmatic Begonia sinofloribunda sheds light on the evolution of Sino-Vietnamese limestone flora, Botany2012, 受邀演講, Jul. 07, 2012, Columbus, Ohio
2012 Untangling the north temperate haplostemonous Ludwigia (Onagraceae), Botany2012, 受邀演講, Jul. 07-11, 2012, Columbus, Ohio
2012 章璿、鍾國芳, Tempo and mode of plant evolution on limestone karst in Guangxi, China—insights from phylogenetics of Primulina (Gesneriaceae), 壁報論文, Jul. 07-11, 2012, Columbus, Ohio
2012 游旨价、鍾國芳, Phylogeny, historical biogeography, and patterns of diversification for Berberis (Berberidaceae), Botany2012, 壁報論文, Jul. 07-11, 2012, Columbus, Ohio
2012 劉筱蕾、張至善、鍾國芳, The Origin of Hawaiian Paper Mulberry— phylogeography of Pacific Broussonetia papyrifera, 2012 Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics, 海報展示, Apr. 03, 2012, Taipei
2012 游旨价、鍾國芳, Berberis or Mahonia? Discordance between nrITS and chloroplast DNA phylogenies sheds light on the origin of Mahonia sect. Horridae, 2012 Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics, 海報展示, Apr. 03, 2012
2012 章璿、許為斌、盤波、劉演、彭鏡毅、鍾國芳, Tempo and mode of plant evolution on limestone karst in Guangxi, China— Insights from phylogenetics of Primulina (Gesneriaceae), 2012 Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics, 海報展示, Apr. 03, 2012, Taipei
2012 梁慧舟、彭鏡毅、鍾國芳, Molecular Phylogenetics of Asian Begonia, 2012 Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics, 海報展示, Mar. 04, 2012
2011 CHUNG, K.-F., Y.-S. TSAI, AND S.-T. LIN., Observations of Flowering Behavior of Sassafras randaiense, . XV Dendrology Meeting of Chinese Society of Forestry, 口頭報告, Aug. 03, 2011
2011 CHUNG, K.-F., C.-I PENG, AND B. A. SCHAAL, Sahul origin and multiple long-distance dispersals of South Pacific alpine plants: insights from molecular dating, phylogeography and population genetics of Oreomyrrhis clade of Chaerophyllum, XVIII International Botanical Congress, 海報展示, Jul. 03, 2011, Melbourne
2011 CHUNG, K.-F., C.-Y. LIN, W.-C. LEONG, S.-M. KU, Y. LIU, AND C.-I PENG. , 會議論文, Apr. 03, 2011 ~ Apr. 03, 2012
2011 YANG, S.-A., K.-F. CHUNG, W.-C. LEONG AND C.-I PENG, 會議論文, Mar. 05, 2011
2011 PAN, T.-L., C.-I PENG, Y. LIU AND K.-F. CHUNG, 會議論文, Mar. 05, 2011
2011 TSAI, Y.-S., K.-F. CHUNG AND S. T. LIN, 會議論文, Mar. 05, 2011
2010 Chung, K.-F., H.-A. Yang, Y. Kono, W.-C. Leong and C.-I Peng., 受邀演講(Others), Nov. 27-28, 2010
2010 Chung, K.-F., H.-A. Yang, W.-C. Leong and C.-I Peng, 其他(Others), Aug. 23-27, 2010
2010 CHUNG, K.-F., H.-A. YANG, W.-C. LEONG AND C.-I PENG, 口頭報告, Jun. 11-12, 2010
2010 口頭報告, Apr. 15-16, 2010
2010 楊巽安、彭鏡毅、鍾國芳, 海報展示, Mar. 07, 2010
2009 Yu, C.-C., and K.-F. Chung. , 其他(Others), Aug. 03, 2010
2009 Tsai, Y.-S., S.-T. Lin, S.-J. Chen and K.-F. Chung, 壁報論文(Others), Jul. 31-Aug. 04, 2010
2009 H.-A. Yang, K.-F. Chung, W.-C. Leong, and C.-I Peng, 壁報論文(Others), Jul. 31-Aug. 04, 2010
2009 Yu, C.-C. and K.-F. Chung, 壁報論文(Others), Jul. 31-Aug. 04, 2010
2009 Chung, K.-F., H.-A. Yang, W.-C. Leong and C.-I Peng, 其他(Others), Jun. 11-12, 2010
2009 Chih-Chieh Yu, Kuo-Fang Chung, 海報展示(Others), Jul. 25-29, 2009
2009 YU, C.-C AND K.-F. CHUNG, 壁報論文(Others), Mar. 07, 2009
2009 游旨价、鍾國芳。, 其他(Others), 2009
2009 游旨价、鍾國芳。, 其他(Others), 2009
2009 鍾國芳。, 其他(Others), 2009
2009 Chung, K.-F., 其他(Others), 2009
2008 CHUNG, K.-F, 口頭報告(Others), Jun. 13, 2008
2008 CHUNG, K.-F., H. VAN DER WERFF AND C.-I PENG, 會議論文(Others), Mar. 08, 2008
2007 CHUNG, K.-F., C.-I PENG AND B. A. SCHAAL, Tracking the origin and dispersal of the South Pacific alpine plants: phylogenetics and phylogeography of Oreomyrrhis clade of Chaerophyllum (Apiaceae), 會議論文(Others), Jul. 07-11, 2007
2007 鍾國芳, 會議論文(Others), Mar. 10, 2007
2005 CHUNG, K.-F. AND B. A. SCHAAL, 會議論文(Others), Oct. 23, 2005
2004 CHUNG, K.-F., B. A. SCHAAL, C.-I PENG AND P. H. RAVEN, 會議論文(Others), Feb. 27, 2004
Project Category Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
Research Projects 2015 2015.01 ~ 2015.12
Research Projects 103 Kuo-Fang Chung 2014.08 ~ 2017.07
Research Projects 102 Kuo-Fang Chung 2013.08 ~ 2014.07
Research Projects 101 Kuo-Fang Chung 2012.08 ~ 2013.07
Research Projects 100 Kuo-Fang Chung 2011.08 ~ 2012.07
Research Projects 99 Kuo-Fang Chung 2010.08 ~ 2011.07
Research Projects 98 Kuo-Fang Chung 2009.08 ~ 2010.07
Research Projects 97 Kuo-Fang Chung 2008.11 ~ 2009.07
Country School Name Department Degree
Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
2024.02 ~ Up to today
2023.08 ~ Up to today
2016.02 ~ 2024.01
2016.02 ~ 2023.08
2014.08 ~ 2016.01
2008.02 ~ 2014.07
2006.10 ~ 2008.01
1998.06 ~ 2000.07