2013 |
許正德、鍾國芳, Climate change impact assessment on species distribution and genetic diversity of Alpine plants—insights from Oreomyrrhis clade of Chaerophyllum in Taiwan, 9th International Flora Malesiana Symposium, 壁報論文, Aug. 27-31, 2013, Bogor, Indonesia |
2013 |
游旨价、鍾國芳, Out of Asia—Biogeography of insular clades of Berberis s.s., 9th International Flora Malesiana Symposium, Bogor, Indonesia, 受邀演講, Aug. 27-31, 2013 |
2013 |
鍾國芳、柯雅青、蔡永信, Flower biology and conservation genetics of Taiwan Sassafras (Lauraceae), 9th International Flora Malesiana Symposium, 受邀演講, Aug. 27-31, 2013, Bogor, Indonesia |
2012 |
鍾國芳、許正德, Past, present and future of alpine flora of Taiwan—insights
from integrating phylogeography and species distribution
model of Chaerophyllum involucratum (Apiaceae), 2012 International Symposium on Collection and Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources Part 2. Plant Conservation in Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities, 口頭報告, Sep. 26, 2012, Jiji, Nantou |
2012 |
胡正恆、鍾國芳, Genotyping betel nut (Areca catechu) and phylogeography of paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) to approach Austronesian migration and exchange of hobby objects, International Conference on Cross-regional Comparison of Ancient Migration and Exchange Patterns, 口頭報告, Sep. 01-03, 2012, Taipei |
2012 |
Hsiao-Lei Liu, Kuo-Fang Chung, The Origin of Hawaiian Paper Mulberry - phylogeography of Pacific Broussonetia papyrifera, Botany2012, 壁報論文, Jul. 07-11, 2012, Columbus, Ohio |
2012 |
Kuo-Fang Chung, Wai-Chao Leong, Yan Liu, Rosario Rivera Rubite, Rimi Repin, Ching-I Peng, Phylogenetic affinity of the enigmatic Begonia sinofloribunda sheds light on the evolution of Sino-Vietnamese limestone flora, Botany2012, 受邀演講, Jul. 07, 2012, Columbus, Ohio |
2012 |
Untangling the north temperate haplostemonous Ludwigia (Onagraceae), Botany2012, 受邀演講, Jul. 07-11, 2012, Columbus, Ohio |
2012 |
章璿、鍾國芳, Tempo and mode of plant evolution on limestone karst in Guangxi, China—insights from phylogenetics of Primulina
(Gesneriaceae), 壁報論文, Jul. 07-11, 2012, Columbus, Ohio |
2012 |
游旨价、鍾國芳, Phylogeny, historical biogeography, and patterns of diversification for Berberis (Berberidaceae), Botany2012, 壁報論文, Jul. 07-11, 2012, Columbus, Ohio |
2012 |
劉筱蕾、張至善、鍾國芳, The Origin of Hawaiian Paper Mulberry— phylogeography of Pacific Broussonetia papyrifera, 2012 Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics, 海報展示, Apr. 03, 2012, Taipei |
2012 |
游旨价、鍾國芳, Berberis or Mahonia? Discordance between nrITS and chloroplast DNA phylogenies sheds light on the origin of Mahonia sect. Horridae, 2012 Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics, 海報展示, Apr. 03, 2012 |
2012 |
章璿、許為斌、盤波、劉演、彭鏡毅、鍾國芳, Tempo and mode of plant evolution on limestone karst in Guangxi, China— Insights from phylogenetics of Primulina (Gesneriaceae), 2012 Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics, 海報展示, Apr. 03, 2012, Taipei |
2012 |
梁慧舟、彭鏡毅、鍾國芳, Molecular Phylogenetics of Asian Begonia, 2012 Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics, 海報展示, Mar. 04, 2012 |
2011 |
CHUNG, K.-F., Y.-S. TSAI, AND S.-T. LIN., Observations of Flowering Behavior of Sassafras randaiense, . XV Dendrology Meeting of Chinese Society of Forestry, 口頭報告, Aug. 03, 2011 |
2011 |
CHUNG, K.-F., C.-I PENG, AND B. A. SCHAAL, Sahul origin and multiple long-distance dispersals of South Pacific alpine plants: insights from molecular dating, phylogeography and population genetics of Oreomyrrhis clade of Chaerophyllum, XVIII International Botanical Congress, 海報展示, Jul. 03, 2011, Melbourne |
2011 |
CHUNG, K.-F., C.-Y. LIN, W.-C. LEONG, S.-M. KU, Y. LIU, AND C.-I PENG. , 會議論文, Apr. 03, 2011 ~ Apr. 03, 2012 |
2011 |
YANG, S.-A., K.-F. CHUNG, W.-C. LEONG AND C.-I PENG, 會議論文, Mar. 05, 2011 |
2011 |
PAN, T.-L., C.-I PENG, Y. LIU AND K.-F. CHUNG, 會議論文, Mar. 05, 2011 |
2011 |
TSAI, Y.-S., K.-F. CHUNG AND S. T. LIN, 會議論文, Mar. 05, 2011 |
2010 |
Chung, K.-F., H.-A. Yang, Y. Kono, W.-C. Leong and C.-I Peng., 受邀演講(Others), Nov. 27-28, 2010 |
2010 |
Chung, K.-F., H.-A. Yang, W.-C. Leong and C.-I Peng, 其他(Others), Aug. 23-27, 2010 |
2010 |
CHUNG, K.-F., H.-A. YANG, W.-C. LEONG AND C.-I PENG, 口頭報告, Jun. 11-12, 2010 |
2010 |
口頭報告, Apr. 15-16, 2010 |
2010 |
楊巽安、彭鏡毅、鍾國芳, 海報展示, Mar. 07, 2010 |
2009 |
Yu, C.-C., and K.-F. Chung. , 其他(Others), Aug. 03, 2010 |
2009 |
Tsai, Y.-S., S.-T. Lin, S.-J. Chen and K.-F. Chung, 壁報論文(Others), Jul. 31-Aug. 04, 2010 |
2009 |
H.-A. Yang, K.-F. Chung, W.-C. Leong, and C.-I Peng, 壁報論文(Others), Jul. 31-Aug. 04, 2010 |
2009 |
Yu, C.-C. and K.-F. Chung, 壁報論文(Others), Jul. 31-Aug. 04, 2010 |
2009 |
Chung, K.-F., H.-A. Yang, W.-C. Leong and C.-I Peng, 其他(Others), Jun. 11-12, 2010 |
2009 |
Chih-Chieh Yu, Kuo-Fang Chung, 海報展示(Others), Jul. 25-29, 2009 |
2009 |
YU, C.-C AND K.-F. CHUNG, 壁報論文(Others), Mar. 07, 2009 |
2009 |
游旨价、鍾國芳。, 其他(Others), 2009 |
2009 |
游旨价、鍾國芳。, 其他(Others), 2009 |
2009 |
鍾國芳。, 其他(Others), 2009 |
2009 |
Chung, K.-F., 其他(Others), 2009 |
2008 |
CHUNG, K.-F, 口頭報告(Others), Jun. 13, 2008 |
2008 |
CHUNG, K.-F., H. VAN DER WERFF AND C.-I PENG, 會議論文(Others), Mar. 08, 2008 |
2007 |
CHUNG, K.-F., C.-I PENG AND B. A. SCHAAL, Tracking the origin and dispersal of the South Pacific alpine plants: phylogenetics and phylogeography of Oreomyrrhis clade of Chaerophyllum (Apiaceae), 會議論文(Others), Jul. 07-11, 2007 |
2007 |
鍾國芳, 會議論文(Others), Mar. 10, 2007 |
2005 |
CHUNG, K.-F. AND B. A. SCHAAL, 會議論文(Others), Oct. 23, 2005 |
2004 |
CHUNG, K.-F., B. A. SCHAAL, C.-I PENG AND P. H. RAVEN, 會議論文(Others), Feb. 27, 2004 |