狀態 專任師資-森林環境學群
姓名 鄭智馨
聯絡電話 (02)33664620
研究室名稱 土壤生物地球化學實驗室
Office_Hour 星期五8:00~12:00
職稱 副教授
年度 論文名稱
2018 陳秋萍、鄭智馨、莊愷瑋、白創文, 南投縣信義鄉布農族傳統植物食茱萸分布地區土壤性質與養分濃度之調查, 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告, vol. 32, pp. 323-334, 2018" href="/zh_tw/faculty/member/journal_paper/南投縣信義鄉布農族傳統植物食茱萸分布地區土壤性質與養分濃度之調查-41790861" target="_blank">陳秋萍、鄭智馨、莊愷瑋、白創文, 南投縣信義鄉布農族傳統植物食茱萸分布地區土壤性質與養分濃度之調查, 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告, vol. 32, pp. 323-334, 2018
2018 Menyailo O.V., A.I. Matvienko, M.I. Makarov, C.H. Cheng, Nitrogen effects on the carbon cycle in forest ecosystems: a review, Russian Journal of Forestry , 2018" href="/zh_tw/faculty/member/journal_paper/Nitrogen-effects-on-the-carbon-cycle-in-forest-ecosystems-a-review-68725400" target="_blank">Menyailo O.V., A.I. Matvienko, M.I. Makarov, C.H. Cheng, Nitrogen effects on the carbon cycle in forest ecosystems: a review, Russian Journal of Forestry , 2018
2017 Huang Y.S., C.Y. Hung, I.R. Lin, T. Kume, O.V. Menyailo, and C.H. Cheng, Soil respiration patterns and rates at three Taiwanese forest plantations: Dependence on elevation, temperature, precipitation, and litterfall, Botanical Studies , 2017" href="/zh_tw/faculty/member/journal_paper/Soil-respiration-patterns-and-rates-at-three-Taiwanese-forest-plantations-Dependence-on-elevation-temperature-precipitation-and-litterfall-77708854" target="_blank">Huang Y.S., C.Y. Hung, I.R. Lin, T. Kume, O.V. Menyailo, and C.H. Cheng, Soil respiration patterns and rates at three Taiwanese forest plantations: Dependence on elevation, temperature, precipitation, and litterfall, Botanical Studies , 2017
2016 I-Fang Hsieh, Tomonori Kume, Meng-Ying Lin, Chih-Hsin Cheng and Takeshi Miki, Characteristics of soil CO2 efflux under an invasive species, Moso bamboo, in forests of central Taiwan, Trees, 2016
2016 Cheng C.H., Y.S. Huang, O.V. Menyailo, and C.T. Chen, Stand development and aboveground biomass carbon accumulation in cropland afforestation in Taiwan, Taiwan Journal of Forest Science, vol. In press, 2016
2016 Cheng C.H., S.C. Hsiao, Y.S. Huang, C.Y. Hung, C.W. Pai, C.P. Chen, and O.V. Menyailo, Landslide-induced changes of soil physicochemical properties in Xitou, Central Taiwan, Geoderma, vol. 265, pp. 187-195, 2016
2016 Cheng C.H., T.P Lin, Y.S. Huang, C.P. Chen, C.T. Chen, and O.V. Menyailo, Reduction of diuron efficacy with biochar amendments, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, vol. 7, pp. 480-485, 2016
2015 白創文、鄭智馨、莊愷瑋、陳秋萍, 臺大實驗林不同混農林業系統中土壤性質之研究, 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告, vol. 28, pp. 125-135, 2015
2014 Chen C.P., C.H. Cheng*, Y.H Huang, C.T. Chen, C.M. Lai, O.V. Menyailo, L.J. Fan, and Y.W. Yang, Converting leguminous green manure into biochar: changes in chemical composition and C and N mineralization, Geoderma, vol. 232-234, pp. 581-588, Jun. 2014
2014 Menyailo O.V. A.I. Matvienko, M.I. Makarov, and C.H. Cheng, Positive Response of Carbon Mineralization to Nitrogen Addition in Forest Soils of Siberia , Doklady Biological Sciences, vol. 456, pp. 9-12, May. 2014
2014 Menyailo O.V., M.I. Makarov, and C.H. Cheng, Isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen in foliage and soil as a function of tree species, Doklady Biological Sciences, vol. 456, pp. 1-3, May. 2014
2014 Cheng C.H., T.P Lin, J. Lehmann, L.J. Fang, Y.W. Yang, O.V. Menyailo, K.H. Chang and L. Lai, Sorption properties for black carbon (wood char) after long-term exposure in soils, Organic Geochemistry, Feb. 2014
2014 白創文、鄭智馨、莊愷瑋、陳秋萍, 臺灣中部溪頭地區天然闊葉林與毗鄰之不同人工林之土壤有機碳儲存量及其分佈, 土壤與環境, vol. 28, pp. 125-135, Feb. 2014
2014 鄭智馨、洪志祐、黃于軒、李俊佑、陳秋萍、白創文, 溪頭台灣杉人工林之林分特性與發展, 中華林學季刊, vol. 47, pp. 155-168, 2014
2013 Lai, Wei-Yu, Chao-Ming Lai, Guang-Ruei Ke, Ren-Shih Chung, Chien-Teh Chen, Chih-Hsin Cheng, Chuang-Wen Pai, Szu-Yun Chen and Chang-Chun Chen., The effects of woodchip biochar application on crop yield, carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions from soils planted with rice or leaf beet, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Oct. 2013
2013 Cheng C.H., C.Y. Hung, C.P. Chen, and C.-W. Pei, Biomass carbon accumulation in aging Japanese cedar plantations in Xitou, central Taiwan, Botanical Studies, Jul. 2013
2013 Cheng C.H., Y.S. Chen, Y.S. Huang, C.R. Chiou, C.C. Lin and O.V. Menyailo, Effects of repeated fires on ecosystem C and N stocks along a fire induced forest/grassland gradient, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 118, 1, pp. 215-225, Mar. 2013
2012 邱祈榮、鄭智馨、林俊成、詹為巽, 廢耕檳榔園再造林之碳儲存變化推估以種植桃花心木為例, 中華林學季刊, vol. 45, pp. 97-108, Dec. 2013
2011 林映儒、鄭智馨*、曾聰堯, 台灣平地造林之碳吸存潛能:以長期果園廢耕地與造林地為例, 中華林學季刊, Aug. 2011
2010 鄭智馨、陳彥睿、邱祈榮、林俊成、吳俊賢, 檳榔園轉作造林之生態系統碳儲存量變化: 以921地震後的中寮為例, 中華林學季刊, vol. 44, 2, pp. 217-232, Jun. 2011
2010 鄭智馨、邱祈榮、林大方、洪志祐, 小規模A/R CDM植林計畫- 以台電公司鳳山植林計畫為例, 台灣林業, vol. 37, pp. 105-110, Apr. 2011
2010 林映儒、鄭智馨*、曾聰堯、王尚禮、郭鴻裕, 平地長期林地之土壤性質與有機碳量蓄積, 台灣食品科學與農化會誌, Mar. 2011
2009 Kimetu, J.M., J. Lehmann, J.M. Kinyangi, C.H. Cheng, J. Thies, D.N. Mugendi, and A. Pell, Soil organic C stabilization and thresholds in C saturation, Soil Biol. Biochem., vol. 41, 10, pp. 2100-2104, Aug. 2009
2009 Cheng C.H., and J. Lehmann, Ageing of black carbon along a temperature gradient, Chemosphere, vol. 75, 8, pp. 1021-1027, 2009
2008 Cheng, C.H., J. Lehmann, J.E. Thies, and S.D. Burdon, Stability of black carbon in soils across a temperature gradient, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 113, pp. G02027-G02036, 2008
2007 Cheng, C.H., J. Lehmann, and M.H. Engelhard, Natural oxidation of black carbon in soils: changes in molecular form and surface charge along a climosequence, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 72, 6, pp. 1598-1610, Mar. 2008
2006 Cheng C.H., J. Lehmann, J.E. Thies, S.D. Burton, and M.H. Engelhard, Oxidation of black carbon by biotic and abiotic processes, Org. Geochem, vol. 37, 11, pp. 1477-1488, Nov. 2006
年度 論文名稱
2012 Cheng, C.H., T.P Lin, L. Lai, K.H. Chang, L.J. Fang, Y.W. Yang, C.M. Lai, and J. Lehmann. , Use Synchrotron-Based Soft X-ray Analysis to Determine Chemical Composition of Biochars and its Application in Sorption Characteristics, 18th NSRRC Use’s Meeting and Workshops, August 29-30, Hsinchu, Taiwan., 壁報論文, Aug. 29-30, 2012, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2011 C.Y Hung, C.H. Cheng*, C.W. Pai, C.P. Chen, S.S Wongluo, M.C. Chen., Age-related carbon stocks and fluxes of Cryptomeria japonica plantations in central Taiwan., roceedings of the Fourth Conference of Asian University Forests International Symposium on Long-term Monitoring and Experiments of University Forest., 口頭報告, 會議論文, Jul. 01-02, 2011
2011 生質炭的應用對土壤碳吸存和作物生產力的影響, 土壤肥料管理對生態環境與農業生產力之影響, 口頭報告, 會議論文, May. 18, 2011
2010 陳泳升、鄭智馨*、曾聰堯, 長期頻繁火燒及耕作對土壤性質的影響, 「第八屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術研討會」暨「中華土壤肥料學會九十九年度會員大會」及「土壤肥料推廣研究成果研討會」, 其他(Others), Dec. 05-10, 2010, 台北
2010 林映儒、鄭智馨*、曾聰堯, 長期平地造林地之生態系統碳含量與碳庫分布, 99中華林學會, 其他(Others), Oct. 27-28, 2010, 屏東
2010 林子平、鄭智馨*、賴瑞聲、曾聰堯, 能源作物製成生物炭的農業利用, 99中華林學會, 其他(Others), Oct. 27-28, 2010, 屏東
2010 Cheng C.H., J. Lehmann, J. Kingyangi, D. Solomon, and T.L. Wu, Long-term effects of black carbon on soil properties., 19th World Congress of Soil Science, 會議論文(Others), Aug. 01-06, 2010, Brisbane, Australia
2009 Cheng, C.H., Y.S. Chen, C.-C. Lin and C.-Y. Chiue., Changes of carbon and nitrogen storages across a fire induced forest/grassland boundary., 2009 AGU Fall Meeting, 壁報論文, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA
2008 Cheng, C.H. and J. Lehmann, Ageing of black carbon along a temperature gradient, 2008 AGU Fall Meeting, 其他(Others), Dec. 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA
2007 Lehmann J, Cheng C.H., Nguyen B, Liang B, Major J and Smernik R, Permanency and long-term changes of bio-char in soil, International Agrichar Initiative (IAI) 2007 Conference, 其他(Others), Apr. 27-02, 2007, Terrigal , Australia
2007 Cheng, C.H. and J. Lehmann, Oxidation of black carbon along a climosequence, European Geoscience Union, General Assembly, 受邀演講(Others), 2007, Vienna
2006 Cheng C.H. and Lehmann J, Oxidation of Black Carbon Along a Climosequence, World Congress of Soil Science, 其他(Others), Jul. 09-14, 2006
2006 Lehmann J, Rondon M, Major J, Kimetu J, Cheng CH, Trujillo L, Day D, Liang B, Gaunt J, Sohi S, Solomon D and Luizão F, Terra Preta: Opportunities for Meeting Global Challenges of Soil Degradation and Climate Change, AAAS Annual Meeting, 其他, 受邀演講(Others), Feb. 16-20, 2006, St. Louis, MI. Booklet
2005 Cheng C.H., Lehmann J and Thies J, Biotic and abiotic influences on black carbon properties in soil, Analysis and Characterization of Black Carbon in the Environment, Annual Meeting of the European Geosciences Union, 其他(Others), Apr. 24-29, 2005, Vienna
2004 Cheng C.H., Lehmann J and Thies J, Soil chemical properties influenced by water-washed charcoal: abiotic and biotic processes, Energy and Agricultural Carbon Utilization – Sustainable Alternatives to Sequestration, 壁報論文(Others), Jun. 10-May. 11, 2004, Athens, Georgia
計畫類別 年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
研究計畫 99 黑碳於森林土壤與碳循環中的存量、構造及生態功能II 鄭智馨 主持人 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 國科會
研究計畫 98 黑碳於森林土壤與碳循環中的存量、構造及生態功能II 鄭智馨 主持人 2009.08 ~ 2010.07 國科會
研究計畫 97 黑碳於森林土壤與碳循環中的存量、構造及生態功能 鄭智馨 主持人 2008.06 ~ 2009.07 國科會
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位
國立臺灣大學 農業化學系 學士
國立臺灣大學 農業化學系 碩士
美國康乃爾大學 作物與土壤科學系 博士
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
Journal Reviewer Reviewer 0000.01 ~ 迄今
國立臺灣大學 森林環境暨資源學系 專任助理教授 0000.01 ~ 迄今
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
校內榮譽 2013 指導蕭聖哲同學參加中華林學會年會獲得森林環境組口頭發表第三名 中華林學會
校外榮譽 2012 Most cited paper (# 1, total citations: 134) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (IF 4.26)
校外榮譽 2012 指導李俊佑同學獲得陳炯崧先生研究生獎學金 台灣農學會
校內榮譽 2012 指導陳紀芃同學參與中華林學會論文發表獲得學生組(森林環境組)第二名 中華林學會
校內榮譽 2012 指導李俊佑同學參與中華林學會論文發表獲得學生組(森林生態暨經營組)第三名 中華林學會
校內榮譽 2011 指導黃于軒同學參與中華林學會論文發表獲得學生組(人文暨經營組)第一名 中華林學會
校內榮譽 2011 指導洪志祐同學參與中華林學會論文發表獲得學生組(人文暨經營組)佳作 中華林學會
校內榮譽 2010 台灣大學校教學優良教師
校內榮譽 2010 指導學生吳廷略、陳紀芃獲得教育部補助大專學生協力地方推動永續校園計畫 NT 100,000
校內榮譽 2010 指導北一女中陳昕慧同學獲生物科展佳作 教育部
校內榮譽 2010 指導林映儒同學參加2010中華林學會論文發表獲得佳作 中華林學會
校內榮譽 2010 指導林子平助理參與2010中華林學會論文發表獲得學術人員獎第二名 中華林學會
校內榮譽 2009 帶領服務學習三課程獲得教育部補助 NT 20,000
校內榮譽 2009 指導學生陳彥睿獲得大專生參與國科會專題研究計畫 NT 45,000
校外榮譽 2007 Henry W. Wu Fellowships Cornell University
校外榮譽 2006 Agricultural Ecology Program: Upper Susquehanna River Basin, Mini-grant Cornell University
校外榮譽 2006 Small Grant for Biogeochemistry and Environmental Biocomplexity Cornell University
校外榮譽 2006 Henry W. Wu Fellowships Cornell University
校外榮譽 2005 Kieckhefer Adirondack Fellowships Cornell University
校外榮譽 2005 Research Travel Grant Cornell University
校外榮譽 2005 Graduate Student Research Grants Geological Society of America
校外榮譽 2004 Kieckhefer Adirondack Fellowships Cornell University
校外榮譽 2002 Government scholarship for studying abroad Ministry of Education, Taiwan
校外榮譽 2002 The Article of the Soil and Fertilizer Society Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences, Taiwan