2023 |
海報展示, 壁報論文, Oct. 26-27, 2023 |
2023 |
海報展示, 壁報論文, Jun. 02, 2023 |
2023 |
口頭報告, Jun. 02, 2023 |
2022 |
口頭報告, Oct. 27-28, 2022 |
2022 |
口頭報告, Oct. 27-28, 2022 |
2022 |
海報展示, 壁報論文, Oct. 27-28, 2022 |
2022 |
海報展示, Sep. 06, 2022 |
2022 |
海報展示, 壁報論文, Jun. 24, 2022 |
2022 |
海報展示, 壁報論文, Jun. 24, 2022 |
2022 |
口頭報告, Jun. 24, 2022 |
2022 |
Study on the characteristics of nanocellulose-based nanopaper, International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, 海報展示, 壁報論文, Jun. 13-17, 2022, Helsinki, Finland |
2022 |
Study on the lignin-containing bamboo-based cellulose nanocrystals manufacturing process, International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, 海報展示, 壁報論文, Jun. 13-17, 2022, Helsinki, Finland |
2021 |
會議論文, Jun. 2021 |
2021 |
會議論文, Jun. 2021 |
2021 |
口頭報告, Oct. 28-29, 2021 |
2021 |
口頭報告, Oct. 28-29, 2021 |
2021 |
海報展示, 壁報論文, Oct. 28-29, 2021 |
2021 |
Analysis of layer effects on hygroscopic behaviors of bamboo textile reinforced polymer., The 15th Pacific Rim Bio-Based Composite Symposium, 海報展示, 壁報論文, 2021, Gyeongju, Korea |
2020 |
口頭報告, Nov. 12-13, 2020 |
2020 |
口頭報告, Nov. 12-13, 2020 |
2020 |
海報展示, Nov. 12-13, 2020 |
2020 |
The Vibrational Properties of Catalpa Ovata Wood for the Back Plate of the Guqin, 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention, 海報展示, Jul. 12-17, 2020, Portoroz, Slovenia |
2020 |
口頭報告, Jun. 05, 2020 |
2020 |
口頭報告, Jun. 05, 2020 |
2020 |
海報展示, Jun. 05, 2020 |
2019 |
口頭報告, May. 24, 2019 |
2019 |
Szu-Han Wang, Feng-Cheng Chang, Study on Cu(II) and Au(III) metal ion adsorption performance of the lignosulfonate activated carbon fiber., 2019 International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, 海報展示, Jun. 03-07, 2019, Chiba, Japan |
2019 |
Hsin-Chen Chen, William Tai Yin Tze, Feng-Cheng Chang, Effects of nanocellulose formulations on hygroscopic and mechanical properties of aquazol/nanocellulose biocomposites, 2019 International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, 海報展示, Jun. 03-07, 2019, Chiba, Japan |
2019 |
William Tai Yin Tze, Szu-Han Wang, Hsin-Chen Chen, Feng-Cheng Chang, Crosslinking and carbonization of electrospun lignosulfonate fiber, 2019 International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, 海報展示, Jun. 03-07, 2019, Chiba, Japan |
2019 |
Hsu-Ching Lee, Feng-Cheng Chang, Developing cellulose aerogel for multifunctional applications, 2019 International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, 海報展示, Jun. 03-07, 2019, Chiba, Japan |
2018 |
Lan-Ting Chang, Feng-Cheng Chang, Sound Absorption Properties of Wood Plastic Composites made of recycled materials, 7th World Convention on Waste Recycling and Reuse, 海報展示, May. 16-17, 2018, Tokyo, Japan |
2018 |
Toshiharu Enomae, Masato Morii, Nobuyo Oyaizu, Feng-Cheng Chang, Hsun-Yi Chen, Paper devices as an actuator and power generator, International Symposium on Resource Efficiency In Pulp and Paper Technology, 口頭報告, Nov. 06-08, 2018, Bandung, Indonesia |
2018 |
Hsin-Chen Chen, Feng-Cheng Chang, Feasibility of using nanocellulose composites for artwork conservation, Pacific Rim Bio-based Composites Symposium, 口頭報告, Oct. 29-31, 2018, Makassar, Indonesia |
2018 |
李旭晴、陳欣辰、張豐丞, 以纖維素奈米纖維製作氣凝膠及碳材氣凝膠 , 107年森林資源永續發展研討會, 海報展示, Oct. 18-19, 2018, 台北 |
2018 |
Szu-Han Wang, Feng-Cheng Chang, Characterization and adsorption potential of lignosulfonate-based activated carbon fibers, 107年森林資源永續發展研討會, 口頭報告, Oct. 18-19, 2018, 台北 |
2018 |
Islam Hafez, Han-Seung Yang, William Tai Yin Tze, Feng-Cheng Chang, Utilizing saccharification residues for wood adhesive, 107年森林資源永續發展研討會, 口頭報告, Oct. 18-19, 2018, 台北 |
2018 |
Tai-Yun Hsieh, Feng-Cheng Chang, Effects of moisture content and temperature on creep behavior of wood, Internal Conference on the Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, 口頭報告, Sep. 04-07, 2018, Milan, Italy |
2018 |
Kuan-Hsuan Lin, Yinchao Xu, Donghao Hu, Toshiharu Enomae, Feng-Cheng Chang., Application of cellulose nanocrystals to paper substrate to improve performance of printed conductive tracks, The 68th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society, 口頭報告, Mar. 14-16, 2018, Kyoto, Japan |
2017 |
Far-Ching Lin, Chung-Cheng Chiu and Feng-Cheng Chang, Analysis of wood transversal tension mechanical behavior by digital image correlation, 2017 IUFRO Division 5 Conference , 海報展示, Jun. 12-16, 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
2017 |
簡才博、張豐丞, 柳杉造林木釘接組合樑之研發, 2017中華林產事業協會學術論文暨研究成果研討會, 海報展示, Jun. 02, 2017, 台中 |
2017 |
胡顯琮、塗三賢、張豐丞, 以有限元素法預測定向粒片板之靜曲性質, 2017中華林產事業協會學術論文暨研究成果研討會, 口頭報告, Jun. 02, 2017, 台中 |
2017 |
謝岱芸、張豐丞, 探討含水率與溫度對於實木潛變行為之影響, 2017中華林產事業協會學術論文暨研究成果研討會, 口頭報告, Jun. 02, 2017, 台中 |
2017 |
Kuan-Hsuan Lin, Takuya Sugimoto, Motoyoshi Kobayashi, Feng-Cheng Chang, Toshiharu Enomae
, Colloidal properties of cellulose nanocrystal suspensions for ink jet printing, The 67th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society, 口頭報告, Mar. 17-19, 2017, Fukuoka, Japan |
2017 |
Kei-Kei Chan, Chih-Hsin Cheng, Feng-Cheng Chang, Effect of carbonization temperatures on porous carbon material obtained from technical lignin. , 106年森林資源永續發展研討會, 海報展示, Oct. 26-27, 2017, 宜蘭,臺灣 |
2016 |
劉佳旻、林冠萱、張豐丞, 不同酸水解條件對所製孟宗竹纖維素奈米微晶性質之影響, 105年森林資源永續發展研討會, 口頭報告, Oct. 27-28, 2016, 屏東科技大學 |
2016 |
Kuan-Hsuan Lin and Feng-Cheng Chang, Effects of manufacturing conditions on properties of cellulose nanocrystals obtained from dry pulp by acid hydrolysis, 2016 International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, 海報展示, Jun. 13-16, 2016, Grenoble, France |
2016 |
Hsien-Tsung Hu and Feng-Cheng Chang, Application of a novel finite element method-based model to evaluate flexural properties of oriented strand boards, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 口頭報告, Jun. 06-10, 2016, Crete island, Greece |
2016 |
簡才博、楊德新、張豐丞, 柳杉造林木釘接組合樑之研發─釘著與局部剪斷強度探討, 中華林產事業協會學術論文暨研究成果研討會, 口頭報告, May. 27, 2016, 溪頭 |
2016 |
Tai-Yun Hsieh and Feng-Cheng Chang, The comparison of the creep master curves constructed by different short-term testing schemes, The 10th International Conference on the Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, 口頭報告, May. 17-20, 2016, Paris, France |
2016 |
Kuan-Hsuan Lin, Chia-Min Liu and Feng-Cheng Chang, The production of Rod-like cellulose nanocrystals from moso bamboo, 2016 Global Conference on Life Science and Biological Engineering, 海報展示, Mar. 29-31, 2016, Kyoto, Japan |
2016 |
Tzu-Ling Hsu, Feng-Cheng Chang, Meng-Ting Tsai, Truong-Di-Ha Le, Study on performance of timber-steel composite beams with different shapes of steel components, World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016), 海報展示, Aug. 22-26, 2016, Vienna, Austria |
2015 |
Shih-Hsuan Yen and Feng-Cheng Chang, The Production of Carbon Fibers from Lignosulfonate without Chemical Process, International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology 2015, 壁報論文, Mar. 15-17, 2015, Tokyo, Japan |
2015 |
Feng-Rong Chang, Feng-Cheng Chang, Te-Hsin Yang and Cheng-Jung Lin, Effect of Heat Treatment on the Physical, Surface and Mechanical Properties of Japanese Cedar(Cryptomeria japonica), International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology 2015, 壁報論文, Mar. 15-17, 2015, Tokyo, Japan |
2015 |
Kei-Kei Chan and Feng-Cheng Chang, Effects of Processing Parameters on Structure and Diameters of Electrospun Lignin Fibers, International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology 2015, 口頭報告, Mar. 15-17, 2015, Tokyo, Japan |
2015 |
Chia-Yuan Chang and Feng-Cheng Chang, Developing Lignin-Based Electrospun Fibrous Materials for Filtration, International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology 2015, 口頭報告, Mar. 15-17, 2015, Tokyo, Japan |
2014 |
顏詩軒、張豐丞, 不同碳化處理條件對木質素基碳纖維生產之影響, 103年森林資源永續發展研討會, 口頭報告, Oct. 23-24, 2014, 臺中, 臺灣 |
2014 |
陳旗旗、張家源、張豐丞, 應用靜電紡絲生產木質素纖維製程參數之探討, 103年森林資源永續發展研討會, 口頭報告, Oct. 23-24, 2014, 臺中, 臺灣 |
2014 |
張豐丞、陳旗旗、張家源, 木質素奈米纖維之研發, 2014科技部農業環境科學學門成果發表會, 海報展示, Sep. 10, 2014, 國立中興大學 |
2014 |
Feng-Cheng Chang, Applying Electrospinning Technology to Produce Lignin Fibers, 68th Forest Products Society International Convention, 海報展示, Aug. 10-13, 2014, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada |
2013 |
張嵐婷、林冠萱、張資正、張豐丞, 奈米微晶纖維素於不同溶劑之分散相容性評估, 2014中華林產事業協會學術論文暨研究成果研討會, 會議論文, May. 16, 2014, 台中 |
2013 |
Hao-Yu Huang、Feng-Cheng Chang, Global Trends on Combating Illegal Logging, 會議論文(Others), Oct. 24-25, 2013, 台北 |
2013 |
張夆榕、林振榮、張豐丞、楊德新, 熱處理對柳杉機械分等材之性質影響, 中華林學會102年度森林永續發展研討會, 會議論文(Others), Oct. 24-25, 2013, 台北 |
2013 |
Chia-Yuan Chang, Feng-Cheng Chang, Development and characterization of electrospun lignin fibers, 中華林學會102年度森林永續發展研討會, 會議論文, Oct. 24-25, 2013, 台北 |
2013 |
Feng-Cheng Chang, A Stress-Temperature incorporated Creep Equation for Wood-Plastic Composites, 中華林學會102年度森林永續發展研討會, 會議論文(Others), Oct. 24-25, 2013, 台北 |
2012 |
Feng-Cheng Chang, Effect of formulation on temperature-dependent mechanical properties of wood-plastic composites, 第63屆日本木材學會大會, 會議論文, Mar. 27-29, 2013, 日本岩手縣盛岡市 |
2012 |
Feng-Cheng Chang; Frank Lam; John Kadla, Effect of temperature on creep behavior of wood-plastic composites, Biocomp 2012-11th Pacafic Rim Bio-based composites symposium, 海報展示, Nov. 27-30, 2012, 日本靜岡市 |
2012 |
張豐丞, Effect of Formulation on viscoelastic properties of wood-plastic composites, 中華林學會101年度森林資源永續經營研討會, 會議論文, Oct. 25-26, 2012, 溪頭, 南投 |
2009 |
Feng-Cheng Chang, Creep behaviour of wood-plastic composites, Wood Building Technology PhD Student Symposium, 受邀演講(Others), Jul. 27-29, 2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
2008 |
Feng-Cheng Chang, Frank Lam , Using mountain pine beetle attacked wood to produce wood-cement composites, Forest Product Society 62nd International Convention, 壁報論文(Others), Jun. 22-24, 2008, St. Louis, Missouri, USA |
2008 |
Feng-Cheng Chang, Azzeddine Oudjehane, Frank Lam, Development of mountain pine beetle wood-plastic composites, Lessons Learned to Community-base Solutions Conference, 受邀演講, 壁報論文(Others), Jun. 10-11, 2008, Prince George, BC, Canada |
2008 |
Feng-Cheng Chang, Azzeddine Oudjehane, Frank Lam, Development of mountain pine beetle wood-cement composites, Lessons Learned to Community-base Solutions Conference, 受邀演講, 壁報論文(Others), Jun. 10-11, 2008, Prince George, BC, Canada |
2007 |
Feng-Cheng Chang, Suitability of MPB Fibres used for Wood Plastic/Cement Composites, Forestry Innovation Investment Seminar, 受邀演講(Others), Jun. 20, 2007, Prince George, BC, Canada |
2007 |
Feng-Cheng Chang, Frank Lam, Using mountain pine beetle killed wood fibres in wood-cement composites, Wood-Based Composites Center Spring 2007 Industry Advisory Board Meeting, 壁報論文(Others), May. 16-17, 2007, Vancouver, BC, Canada |